To jazz up the 'boring' colour, I decided on this textured broken garter stitch pattern from Family Circle (easy knitting fall 2005). To knit in the round I've reduced 2 stitches and will figure collar adjustments when I get to it! Broken garter is easy but is making me neurotic about checking every few rows.
Wool for ED's scarf. Alas, YF cell group meetings in the house will be a little quieter when he leaves for Canada in May.
Knitting Around (Elizabeth Zimmermann) arrived and although I enjoyed it, Knitting Without Tears is still my favourite. All chapters include a running biographical narration and it's distracting moving from knitting to family history and then onto knitting again. Otherwise, it's another gem of knitting advice, tips and techniques. She's made text easier to comprehend than some pictorial guides!